Introducing Optopol Academy

If you are a user of an Optopol device, you are invited to use our latest educational platform, Optopol Academy!

Step-by-step instructions for users of Optopol devices:

  1. Go to and click on the ‘Academy’ tab.
  2. If you do not have access yet, click ‘Join as user (customer)’.
  3. Fill out the form to request access to the platform. 
  4. After filling out the form, your distributor name and address will be displayed. 
  5. Click ‘Submit’.
  6. Once verified as an Optopol equipment user, you will receive an email with access to the platform, requesting you to log in and set your password.
  7. To log in to your Optopol Academy account, go to, click on the ‘Academy’ tab, and enter your e-mail address and password in the ‘Already a member’ box.